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Hi, I have a WFS service with features in EPSG 31468. According to the EPSG registry that's a mixed up CRS with axis 1 = Northing = X and 2 = Easting = Y. The actual features do however come through in XY order, but if I leave the axis order parameter unset the coordinates display in Inspector inverted, if I set it to 1,2 all is well. What is the logic going on? Thanks.

Funny, I've seen cases where, if it was unset, it would process half the features with 1,2 and the other half with 2,1. Haven't seen it recently though (but maybe I'm smart enough to specify 1,2 all the time)



It turns out WFS 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 services have their coordinate system definition looked up and the axis order set per the order for the easting/longitude and northing/latitude names, not abbreviations. For 31468 this is YX so with a service delivering XY you have to set the axis order parameter to 1,2.
