I have some exif GPS data that I want to plot points for. These are strings:
jpeg_exif_gpslatitude (54) (59.0226) (0)
jpeg_exif_gpslongitude (1) (44.0662) (0)
My problem is - how do I get these into a format 2d point adder will use? I can easily strip the brackets, but then its still a string and I get this:
2013-02-18 17:01:35| 0.6| 0.0|ERROR |2DPointAdder: @Tcl2 -- failed to evaluate expression `FME_Coordinates addCoord {1 44.0662 0} {54 59.0226 0}' -- String value `1 44.0662 0' contains invalid characters and could not be converted into a float
Note: Sorry about the colour etc. That's what happens when you copy/past it seems and there's no "reset" button.