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We have a ESRI FGDB file available with .z02 file extension. Is it possible to read FGDB data on FME without ARCGIS ? Can we upload FGDB file to Oracle spatial database through FME ? Any pointer on this would be appreciated

A z02 file extension points to a split zipped file.

At least the z01 file should be available too to unpack the contents.

Then the FGDB can be read by FME and the data written to Oracle Spatial tables or any other supported format. No need for ArcGis to be installed if you use the File geodatabase (API) reader.

Hope this helps.

Additional information to the issue added by my team member above - The MXD files from ArcGIS is created to be compatible with ArcGIS 10.1. Also, the FGDB is not a single file but a folder containing several files with ARGIS extensions like gdbtable and gdbindexes.

A z02 file extension points to a split zipped file.

At least the z01 file should be available too to unpack the contents.

Then the FGDB can be read by FME and the data written to Oracle Spatial tables or any other supported format. No need for ArcGis to be installed if you use the File geodatabase (API) reader.

Hope this helps.

we have unzipped the files already. please see my comment above

Please see errors in the log below:


FME API version of module 'FILEGDB' matches current internal version (3.8 20180604)

Geodatabase Error (-2147024894): The system cannot find the file specified.

Could not open File Geodatabase dataset `file.gdb' for reading

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'FILEGDB' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See logfile for more information


Hi @cakila and @vasuki


Can you clarify if you are indeed using an Archiving file?


Currently, with FME Desktop 2019 we support all the following (7z, 7zip, rar (except v5), rvz, tar, tar.bz2, tar.gz, tgz, zip )

  • I agree with erik_jan as well, that in order to read the archiving files all files must be available, its possible that your data is incomplete.
  • Using FileAPI Geodatabase reader, you will be read most of the features except Relationships.
  • The Error code that you have mentioned means that the file was not located, if you look closely in your log file, you should see some portions getting extracted in C:\\users\\<user>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\
  • I have tried reading some data(v10 and 10.1) with *.zip.001 archiving in FME without any issue. If you also attach your log file that would be great.


