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A fellow FME user asked me if there are many people using Oracle Cloud and also they were wondering what formats are commonly used in combination with Oracle. I figure you all might be able to help answer this one.

About formats enable from Oracle:



Last year I did some testing with Oracle Cloud, more precisely Oracle Database as a Service (DaaS). This works pretty much just like any other Oracle Database once get the connection to the correct pluggable database. FME can read and write data.

I'm curious to learn others who have done some work with Oracle DasS and FME.

Oracle also offers the Database Cloud Service where you can interact via a RESTful API. I've not done a lot with this service.

About formats enable from Oracle:



That is correct Danilo,


You can connect to the Oracle DaaS with the Oracle Spatial/Non-Spatial Reader/Writer. I also experimented with GeoRaster and Point Cloud. One thing I found was reading and writer were slower when compared to the local network database, which is expected.


Once you have the data loaded into the database and it is accessed from the cloud, that's when you gain performance.


