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Able to use the USGS WMS topo basmap service to create background for a PDF map (using FeatureReader, PDFStyler and PDFPageFormatter.



Has anyone been able to use the ESRI basemaps for their PDFs?


World_Topo_Map, when I put that URL in a FeatureReader only finds a feature called "Citations" that does not show me anything. The PDF also gets a weird massive extent. USA_Topo_Maps appears to connect to a feature called "USA Topo Maps" and the PDF ends up with the right extents, but the background is blank. Cannot share my workspace, but let me know if there are questions and will try to clarify.

You are trying to read a WMTS. Currently there is no WMTS reader. Please vote on this idea:

As a workaround you can try the technique @david_r is suggesting in the following item using an ImageFetcher:

good luck and happy FME-ing.

You are trying to read a WMTS. Currently there is no WMTS reader. Please vote on this idea:

As a workaround you can try the technique @david_r is suggesting in the following item using an ImageFetcher:

good luck and happy FME-ing.

I've already up voted that idea a couple of days ago. I was under the impression that when calling the service directly from the ArcGIS REST API using the Export Map function that was somehow different from trying to access the WMTS capabilities of the service. Looks like this tool Export Map returns image tiles.



So are you saying I am trying to read the WMTS even though I am access the service through the MapServer url as opposed to the WMTS url? Is this because the image tiles that the Export Map or the MapServer returns are actually WMTS?




I've already up voted that idea a couple of days ago. I was under the impression that when calling the service directly from the ArcGIS REST API using the Export Map function that was somehow different from trying to access the WMTS capabilities of the service. Looks like this tool Export Map returns image tiles.



So are you saying I am trying to read the WMTS even though I am access the service through the MapServer url as opposed to the WMTS url? Is this because the image tiles that the Export Map or the MapServer returns are actually WMTS?




Yes, the url you showed is serving wmts. You can still use the ImageFetcher to consume it.



Which reader do you use in the FeatureReader?


