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I am trying to compare and update a field in a table. I have several tables from sde that require a date field to be updated. This worked in an earlier version of FME. In the workspace I brought the tables in and duplicated on writer. In the latest version of FME I get the following message:

"Using ArcSDE Writer to write Spatial Database Engine 3.0 dataset `gis'

ArcSDE Writer: Connected to version 'SDE.DEFAULT'

Writer `SDE30_2' of type `SDE30' using group definition keyword `SDE30_2_DEF'

Required columns 'GlobalID, ' not specified for predefined table 'SDE.SWGRAVITYMAIN'. Using Definition from Database

Grid size 0 (-6) for table 'SDE.SWGRAVITYMAIN' doesn't match that specified in mapping file (0)

Existing SDE table 'SDE.SWGRAVITYMAIN' allows the following shapes: SDE_NIL SDE_LINE SDE_SIMPLE_LINE SDE_MULTIPART . Shapes specified in mapping file for table allows: SDE_NIL SDE_POINT SDE_LINE SDE_SIMPLE_LINE SDE_AREA SDE_MULTIPART . Defined shape types don't match.

Existing table 'SDE.SWGRAVITYMAIN' does support CAD but mapping file specification for layer doesn't!

Existing table 'SDE.SWGRAVITYMAIN' has measures CAD but mapping file specification for layer doesn't!

Existing table 'SDE.SWGRAVITYMAIN' has 64 bit precision but mapping file specifies 0 bit precision for the layer! Using existing table's definition.=======

Error running translation." I am at a lose for solutions. Any help is much appreciated.

Is there any particular reason for using the deprecated SDE30 writer?

What happens if you try using the ArcObjects-based GEODATABASE_SDE writer?
