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  I have 2 custom transformers embded in my main workbench. All are using same set of parameters. Hence, instead of each time


  changing all parameters, i tried to link parameters of 1st custom transformer to publish parameters of main workbench in Navigator.


  Workbench is executed successfully. but when i link any parameter of 2nd custom transformer, workbench is failing with following error.

"Undefined macro `USER_ID' dereferenced in file `C:\\Users\\mypc\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\FME_138424666970_7432'


Undefined macro `%0' dereferenced in file `%1'


... Last line repeated 2 times ...


Oracle Writer: Translation aborted -- rerun specifying "ORACLE8I_1_START_TRANSACTION 0""

2nd custom transformer has one SQLExecutor, 1 test filter and 1 attribute creator.

Please let me know how to solve this issue.





I would recommend that you create a published parameter "USER_ID" in both your custom transformers. Then link the main parameter into it.



Something like this:





Hi David,


   Thanks. I also tried this approach. but not working.





it works for me. Just make sure that you do not reference the MAIN_USER_ID inside the custom transformer. Only reference the published parameter that is local to the custom transformer.



Also be aware that published parameters behave a bit differently inside a custom transformer if you access them using e.g. a PythonCaller. The safest bet is to use a ParameterFetcher inside the custom transformer and rather reference the resulting attribute.



