I'm trying to take an RGB raster and convert it to Gray+Alpha. I do the following:
- Use RasterExpressionEvaluator to calculate linear luminance from the three RGB bands into a single band with interpretation Gray8
- Use RasterBandAdder to add a band with interpretation Alpha8
Using RasterBandPropertyExtractor and Inspector in the workspace, I see that the result have two bands with the correct interpretations. However, once the result is written using the ECW writer, all GIS tools agree that the two bands in the file does not have an interpretation (I have checked the file with QGIS and FME Data Inspector and the bands come up as "Undefined" or "UInt8).
I tried swapping the ECW writer for a GeoTIFF writer and in this case the file came out with correct band interpretations.
Is this a bug in the ECW writer or is there another way to set the interpretation?