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Hi all, 

I’m trying to create a simple script which reads a csv and writes to a point gdb. The CSV files I am trying to read are hosted publicly online but they are failing to open in FME workbench. I’m using a Feature reader to do this (for CSV format, and with the csv URL below), but I keep getting the following error: 


I am fairly new to FME so I’m not sure if there’s an obvious setting in my workbench that I’m missing here. 


Edit: I think it may be an issue with the workspace environment not being able to read an HTTPS url, as I’m able to load the csv in FME on my work desktop but not in the server environment where I need it. 

I can read it just fine using a FeatureReader so I think you're right in that it's an url access issue. Check with your IT people whether or not the FME executables in the server environment are allowed to access files via http or https in the firewall.

I have no issues reading this using a FeatureReader. Attached sample workspace.

Thanks @redgeographics and @nielsgerrits!

I’ll get in touch with IT and see if there’s anything preventing the https access. 

