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Hello Community,

I have a question and looked for answers but didn’t find it yet.

It must be simple for someone but I have not yet figured it out. I tried attribute transposer, aggregator etc

I have a table with a feature which has an ID here shown as Feature 1,2,3 and multiple columns with values for each month of the year.

It is like so:


What I yould like to get is the following:

In the end I need a row for each column corresponding to the feature it is refering to.

I found some sort of a possibility but it it very “manual” an inelegant in FME as I have to create each month manually and associate a date etc.


If someone has a better idea, I am very interested about it. It would help me in the long run as I may have a wrong approach to transposing data with FME.

Many thanks to all the contributors. 

Best regards, Thomas

I tried replicating your example data set and had some luck with the following method.
I used an AttributeExploder set to list, and keeping attributes. Followed by a ListExploder to explode that new list. Then I used an AttributeKeeper to keep only the ID attribute (POD in your case) and the attr_name and attr_value attributes. I followed this up with a Tester to remove features that were created for attr_name values that started with fme along with the ID.

Input was 3 features with an ID + 3 attributes. Output was 9 features with an ID and 2 attributes.

Dear liamfez,


It worked like a charm, thank you very much.

I had tried the attribute exploder but not with the settings you have indicated, but like this it is perfect.

Many thanks for your help ! it is greatly appreciated.

Have a good weekend.

Best regards,

