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I have a source file with 800 000+ features all of which have unique ID’s. I have a list of 600 features that I need to isolate from my Source.


Because it is so many features I was wondering what the steps would be and what transformer to use if I simply want to copy the 600 feature’s IDs to a text file/ different source file, and have a relevant transformer look at the values in the text file and extract the correct features from my Source.



Thanks in advance!



You can do that via the feature merger all IDs in both inputs will come out via the merged port.



there are several ways, but the easiest is probably to read both sources and pass them through a FeatureMerger (the source with 600 features would be the REQUESTOR). Set the join attribute on the unique ID.



The features exiting the MERGED port will be what you need.



HI All,




Thanks for the quick replies but I have one problem.




My Source file of 800 000+ is in ShapeFile format and my list of ID's is on an Excell spreadsheet. Sorry I probably should have mentioned this in the beginning. Can I still use this method or is there a new way?









Difference between those formats will not be problem. You can use the Shape reader and the Excel reader to read each dataset in the same workspace. After reading features (records), they can be treated in the workspace by the same manner.


If you have some difficulties on using readers and / or transformers, please let us know.



Hi Guys,




Thanks A LOT!!! After a bit of tinkering I was able to get the desired output!




Your Help is really appreciated...





