
Steps to create SHP Bounding boxes from GetCapabilites document

  • 23 November 2013
  • 2 replies

I am trying to learn how to manipulate xml files with fme. I thought it would help me to set a small project, but I´m already lost. 



Project outline: Retrieve GetCabilities.xml from a URL. Manipulate the xml file to extract layer names, contact person, Boundingboxes, and KeyWords and write these into a Shapefile.



I´m basically lost at the first hurdle because I can´t really understand which methods/transformers I should be using. 



1. Create xml Writer and tell fme to create fme-feature types for Layer, Contact, BBOX,KEyword.



2. This splits the elements up into 4 fme-feature  types. Next I thought I should somehow extract the coordinates and make a point feature which can be grouped according to layer-name and converted to a polygon. Obviously this is not easy.




Could someone offer me a step for step way to do this? or is it too difficult for a beginner?














2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +17
Hi Rob,



I think it's not so difficult if you divide the workflow into several steps. The main flow would be: 1) Read the XML file. i.e. create features having required attributes  - layer name, contact person, coordinate values of bounding box etc. - from XML elements and / or attributes. 2) Create geometries (bounding boxes) based on attributes holding coordinate values. 3) Merge required attributes to bounding boxes if necessary. 4) Write bounding boxes with attributes into a shape file.  


At first, you will have to learn how to read an XML file. There are many related documentations in FMEpedia, I think these are good starting point. XML FAQ: Reading and Writing XML Reading XML - Simple Approach using Feature Paths Reading XML/GML



Userlevel 4
Badge +13


In addition to Takashi's answer for step 2 have a look at the GeometryReplacer, it will convert your XML geometry holding attribute into features .



