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I'm trying to retrieve photos stored in a non-spatial SQL Server table in a varbinary(max) column, input37_bin:



The photos are JPEGs, and the varbinary column is recognised by FME as a field of type IMAGE.


I connected a RasterReplacer to the attribute with JPEG format but get "not recognised as a supported file format"


Any ideas greatly appreciated.


Hi Ian,


How about deleting "0x" in the head of the blob?


sorry, "0x" is just being displayed by the database management tool. It may not be the reason for the trouble.


If you connect a Logger or an Inspector to the reader feature type directly, how is the attribute value shown?
Hi Takashi, thanks for the reply.



In answering your question, the answer presented itself: the 1st 2 rows of the table in question have <null> for the binary field (which shouldn't happen, but that's another story). The <null> is tripping up the RasterReplacer - if I filter <null> out, the rest of the binary fields are read in fine.
