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Hi all,


I need to move my Reader file (  from its location to another directory after traitment. I think the best way to do it is into Shutdown python script. But i can't find the code to do it. Could some one to help me? 



Thanks an advance.






Another option would be to call a file copy reader in a second ws via the workspacerunner.



Hope this helps,



Hi Farfar,



If you want to move the file with a Python script, os.rename function can be used:




# Example import os   # target file name and source path file = '' src = 'C:/tmp/src/' + file   # destination directory and dest. file path dir = 'C:/tmp/dest' dest = '%s/%s' % (dir, file)   if os.path.exists(src):     # if dest. file exists already, remove it.     # else if dest. directory does not exist, create it.     if os.path.exists(dest):         os.remove(dest)     elif not os.path.exists(dir):         os.makedirs(dir)          # rename (move) the source file     os.rename(src, dest)





See more information about os module here:


15.1. os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces



Hi All,


I need to retrieve a path of writer to remove this writer file from its directory to another one. i use Takashi example below but i couldn't retrive the writer path using Shutdown Python Script. 



Any idea?


Thanks an advance.



