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Is there a way to retrieve the URL of documents within sharepoint?

Hi @craniumak: thanks for your question! Are you wanting to retrieve the URLs off all documents stored on a particular Sharepoint site/folder? Or are you trying to read a document stored in Sharepoint via it's URL using FME?

The FME SharePoint List reader only returns the file name of the attached document. You can build the document URL if you know a little about your sharepoint configuration. If you're using FME to read your sharepoint lists you'll know the root directory, something like:

Then add the folder name, i.e. Documents or 'personal' followed by the file name. You can get the pattern of the URL by opening sharepoint, right clicking on the document name and use Copy Link

Accessing your document in FME will depend on the authentication used by your sharepoint configuration. Currently (2018) HTTPCaller does not support SAML (SharePoint Online) authentication.

There are more ideas on this in this SharePoint question

I have the documents listed from a root folder perspective and can manually create a file path to launch the document as an URL.

Is there a way to display the Path of the document as an attribute automatically? (Not manually derived) @markatsafe @mark2atsafe @mark2catsafe
