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When I translate from shapefile to DGN, inside Microstation the Element information for "Line Style Parameters" always comes across as 1.0000. Is there a way to set this during translation to a different value? Thanks.


Bonus Question(s)

  • Is there a way to set the Fill for any "Shapes" that come across to 'NO FILL' or 'None'.
  • Is there a way to have point features which are translated to CELL come across as an annotation cell?
    • These also need the is Annotation value set to False.

For reference, in the screenshot below I've circled the value which I'd like to set through FME.

This is the Element Information window in Microstation… I need the value set to 50.00 (I can do this within Microstaton… but I'd prefer to hardwire FME to do it for me during translation.)

I've tried using Attribute manager and various other transformers... but simply cannot get this field to show anything except 1. (Using FME's data inspector on a proper file, this attribute appears to be igds_custom_linestyle_scale .)


I'd even appreciate an option to change values AFTER the writer is complete, but that does not seem possible either.



Hi @dc_stl,

I'm not an expert in working with microstation unfortunately, but I did come across some information on working with Custom Line Styles from a similar Q&A that I think may be helpful to review. It sounds like you might need to provide a seed file containing the definitions of the custom line styles and to copy the .rsc file into the folder containing other Microstation resource files. Please ignore the "Note" at the bottom of the doc though as that needs to be removed (more info on that here).


As for the bonus questions, you can set the Fill using a DGNStyler, setting your desired colour. You can use a GeometryFilter and a Tester before that to be sure you're getting the right elements that you want to fill. Remember to set the display in Microstation to something other than a wireframe view to display the fill.


I'm not so sure about the annotation cells however, so I'll see if I can find out anything more on them, or if anyone else in the community may be able to chime in on that.
