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I have an FGDB feature class which includes a "DBOperation" attribute with values of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. I want to assign these to fme_db_operation but when I do this in an AttributeCreator, it gets changed to...


I've changed the AtrributeCreator to Conditional Value which seems to be happier.

Has anyone else had this experience?

I can confirm using both FME 2016.1.3 and 2017 RC, looks like a bug. Consider reporting it to Safe.

If I use an AttributeRenamer rather than the AttributeCreator it works fine, though.

I agree with @david_r. You should report this to

In the meantime: have you tried using the AttributeValueMapper instead?

I agree with @david_r. You should report this to

In the meantime: have you tried using the AttributeValueMapper instead?

Thanks. Yes I thought of that. I wanted to see if it was worth pursuing the idea of storing the db operation as an attribute in an FGDB for later use when updating ArcSDE.



I can confirm using both FME 2016.1.3 and 2017 RC, looks like a bug. Consider reporting it to Safe.

If I use an AttributeRenamer rather than the AttributeCreator it works fine, though.

Thanks, will do. AttributeRenamer is a good idea.


I've noticed when you create the fme_db_operation attribute, the value box changes to a drop down list of the allowed values. So there's obviously something special happening when setting that attribute.


