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How can I publish a feature class in an ESRI file geodatabase as a source parameter rather than just the file geodatabase to use as an AOI?



I am using FME to create contours from DTED using an existing AOI as my CLIP. However the exisiting AOI will not always come from the same feature class or even database. So I need the user to be able to select both the source database and/or feature class within it.



Normally the features to read (ESRI feature class in a gdb) are automatically published when you insert a reader.


You can publish the db parameters to choose a different gdb input.


As Itay details on your Reader in FME, expand down the parameters in the Navigator window. Then the 'Advanced' section, at the bottom you'll see 'Feature Types to Read', this should be purple if its correctly published. This will mean that when you run your process with 'Prompt and Run' the database will be connected to and the latest available Feature Classes will show in this list and be able to be selected. In older versions of FME this parameter did not get automatically published so I suggest you check as the results without it being purple will be very much limited.
