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We're trying to write data via "ArcSDE Geodb" writer in SDO_GEOMETRY format and make it readable for non-ESRI software. We're using ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3.1 on an ArcSDE 10.2.2 on Oracle 11g with FME Desktop 2015.1 (but the same problem apperas in different combinations of software versions as well).

Our main problem is that in the oracle geometry metadata entries the axis-definition can't be set correctly no matter how we're trying it. 

select DIMINFO from user_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'SDOTEST_FME_WRITERCRS';


As you can see, both axis are defined as "NULL" instead of "X" and "Y". Is there any way to tell the writer how to set this up correct?

We figured it out ourselves - maybe the answer is usefull to others:

Add following lines to the conf-keyword in the dbtune:


Now the metadata entry looks like this:


Just to be clear - this is related to the "Configuration Keyword" on the GEODATABASE_SDE Writer. So the settings you are are managing are found in the DBTUNE table of the targeted database. I presume you've either tweak "DEFAULTS" or created a new keyword configuration set to use when creating tables with geometry type of SDO_GEOMETRY.



Thanks for the share of your solution! I'm sure it will help someone else.

Just to be clear - this is related to the "Configuration Keyword" on the GEODATABASE_SDE Writer. So the settings you are are managing are found in the DBTUNE table of the targeted database. I presume you've either tweak "DEFAULTS" or created a new keyword configuration set to use when creating tables with geometry type of SDO_GEOMETRY.



Thanks for the share of your solution! I'm sure it will help someone else.
Exactly - thank you for setting this clear. We edited the configuration keyword we used for this specific purpose by export and reimport via ESRI's sde command line tools. Another way is - like you said - edit the table DBTUNE directly.


