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Hi Community!

I'm trying to access and read/upload/download data from a S3 compatible cloud storage. Since the cloud storage isn't an S3Amazon i cannot get the S3Connector to work. The S3 compatible cloud storage is equivalent to S3Amazon storage and should be compatible

Does anyone else know how to do this?



Which service are you connecting to?

You can have a look at the B2Uploader and B2Downloader if you want to try to create the httpcalls yourself as a workaround:

Hi @andre,

You should be able to use the S3Connector by specifying the endpoint to your S3 compatible cloud storage via the "Alternate Endpoint" parameter.

If this does not work for your please reach out to our Support Team and provide the following info:

  • The version of FME (build number)
  • The version of S3Connector package
  • What S3 compatible cloud storage are you using
  • The logfile and/or screenshots of the error message or other symptoms

I hope this helps!

Hi @andre,

You should be able to use the S3Connector by specifying the endpoint to your S3 compatible cloud storage via the "Alternate Endpoint" parameter.

If this does not work for your please reach out to our Support Team and provide the following info:

  • The version of FME (build number)
  • The version of S3Connector package
  • What S3 compatible cloud storage are you using
  • The logfile and/or screenshots of the error message or other symptoms

I hope this helps!

Hi @gerhardatsafe, I started of by using the S3Connector but it doesn't like anything different from AWS. Even if i added different alternate endpoint and trying to figure out where to insert other information needed to access the alternate endpoint.



i'm on FME Build 20252

I'll reach out to Support Team as suggested

In case someone encounters the same issue, for some cloud providers, it seems mandatory to set the region *and* the endpoint parameter precisely.

For example, to reach S3 compatible buckets from the cloud provider Scaleway in the "French region", you need to define the region to "fr-par" and the endpoint to "".

(information gathered from
