
Runtime Error! Program D:\\Programs\\ArcGIS\\Data Interoperability (x86)\\fme.exe, abnormal program termination received when reading features. Why?

  • 26 June 2019
  • 1 reply

I receive Runtime Error! Program D:\\Programs\\ArcGIS\\Data Interoperability (x86)\\fme.exe, abnormal program termination received when reading features in SDE to write in a personal geodatabase. This occurs on a feature class that has 469905 total features at various numbers of features being read. Example of the last three lines in the log when receiving the runtime error.


Reading source feature # 325000

ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage. Please wait...

Attached to existing Java Virtual Machine


Every time I run the ETL, the number seems to be different when it fails. The feature class is a line feature class (contours). If I exclude this feature class in the reader, the ETL works fine. What's wrong and how do I fix?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +25

Hard to say really, but there's a few things I'd check:

The middle line, "Optimizing Memory Usage", basically means FME has run out of memory and is going to swap to the temp folder. This obviously negatively impacts performance but is not necessarily bad news. However, if the drive where that temp folder is on is low on disk space it will be an issue. Could you doublecheck that (it'd help if you could tell us how much ram your computer has and how much space there is free on the drive where the temp folder is located).

Contour lines can be extremely complex depending on their level of detail. You could try chopping them into smaller sections.
