Hi FME'ers!
I seem to have a problem doing such a simple task as reading a feature service from ArcGIS Online.
I get the error:
2021-05-12 09:56:45| 1.7| 0.0|INFORM|ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader: Getting feature results 0 to 999 of layer/table '<table name>'
2021-05-12 09:56:53| 1.7| 0.0|ERROR |Python Exception <KeyError>: 'GlobalID'
2021-05-12 09:56:53| 1.7| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
Has anyone come across this before? Googling the error messsage gets me nowhere. The FS has export rights.
Im using fme 2020.2.4.0 (20210304 - Build 20825 - WIN64).
Best regards,
Anne Kathrine