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Hi There,

I'm hoping someone can give me a hand with this problem. I've recently attempted to read a kml file from a url and bring it into my workbench.

However, whenever I attempt to read it in FME 2016.1 claims there was an error and says: "Dailed to decompress to 'temp path location... - Failed to initialize the reader'. I've attempted to download the kml file and read it into my workspace from a file path and it works fine. Does anyone have a thought as to how I could fix this???



Hi @warren156

I did some research and found that most reported cases of this error occur with an invalid KML file, or a network link that can't be followed. The other common case was where it is a kmz file with the kml more than one level deep inside it, which apparently FME can't read.

Can you post the link to the KML? If it's not something for public consumption, can you contact the support team ( and ask them to take a look? They will be able to have the developers check it out to see what is happening.

Hi @warren156

I did some research and found that most reported cases of this error occur with an invalid KML file, or a network link that can't be followed. The other common case was where it is a kmz file with the kml more than one level deep inside it, which apparently FME can't read.

Can you post the link to the KML? If it's not something for public consumption, can you contact the support team ( and ask them to take a look? They will be able to have the developers check it out to see what is happening.

Hi @Mark2AtSafe,

Thanks, for taking a look at this. The link I'm attempting to extract from is a Google My Maps it should represent a number of intersection closures within our city due to construction.

What I've done is opened up the map at this location and have clicked the option to 'Download KML'. I've then chosen the Closed Intersections as my desired layer and clicked the 'Export to .KML instead of .KMZ' and clicked 'OK'. I've grabbed the url from the browser (quickly before the tab closed) and I got the link below as the result, this is what I have been trying to use in FME Workbench.;=z-_w7PO-jnj8.kmajXiiwGbwo&forcekml;=1

