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Hello ,

I am checking duplicate consecutive points 

It is clear that issue locations port show one vertex of duplicate point with coordinates (x,y).

i would like to know the two vertex that duplicated then  I choose one of them to cancel .

but it show me only one vertex .

How could I achieve it ?


FME 2021 

Hi @soly There’s no way to be given a choice at run-time.  Do you think that the GeometryValidator is generally removing the wrong vertices?  Instead of the GeometryValidator, I’d start with a Chopper to create 2-point line segments, then a LengthCalculator to find the shortest segments.


it has no relation with geometry validator .it depends  on the requirements .

becauuse they want to keep vertex  that has coordinates as points from other data .

i have found that geometry validator removed some vertex that i need instead of other one .

so that ,I wanted to have both of vertex then I decide which vertex should keep and which not 

but  why did geometry validator remove this one vertex not other vertex  ?

When it found duplicate ,how did it choose which one remove and which keep ? 

Result of Removing Duplicate Consecutive Points with the GeometryValidator

Hi @soly The image should explain what the GeometryValidator does.  The orange line is the input with distances between vertices; the red diamonds are the issues (removed vertices); and the green line is the Repaired feature.

  • end points are kept
  • vertices are tested in pairs and in order on the feature, checking the distance to the following vertex
  • the 2nd vertex from each pair is not considered for removal
