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I encounter a problem that might be a bug with FME 2015. In my workspace I have aa python caller that use a custom python27 dll that was workinig without any problem a lot of times before.



Since I enabled the dynamic properties on a writer feature type, the python fails with that error message:



|Python Exception <WindowsError>: &Error 127] The specified procedure could not be found



If I uncheck the dynamic properties in the writer feature type, the pythonCaller process without error.



Should I report as a bug or there might be an explanation for this problem?



does it work if you use the Python interpreter that is installed with FME?



Hi David,



It seems to work with the the FME internal python, but my script can only run with a custom python installation because it is using numpy, gdal and geos.



After some tests, the conflict occur when I am importing geos:


 from django.contrib.gis import geos


If I disable the dynamic properties, the python caller does not fail. Same thing if I do not import geos, the script does not fail.



The dynamic properties in the feature type writer might use geos as well so a conflict occur?




