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Has anyone had success using the ProjectWise connector in FME 2018.0.0.2 (64bit)? If so would you be able to share your set up or configuration - or if there were any "gotchas" that you came across.

We are using ProjectWise which allows me to access it through a browser via

This succesfully brings up a page whereby you can select a "Location" (of which we have multiple) and type in credentials. Once you are in you can navigate similar to the ProjectWise explorer desktop app.

If I use that URL and credentials in the ProjectWise Connector I get "Failed to Load folder from Bentley ProjectWise"

Would love to hear from anyone who has had success with this connector as it will really open up some great opportunities for us.

Could someone from Safe also have a look into the help documentation for this - there doesn't appear to be any.




Hi @dberger106,

There is a question similar ProjectWise in 2018.



Hi @dberger106

thank you for reaching out for us. As @danilo_fme mentioned above, there is one more question in Q&A; regarding ProjectWiseConnector, so we are aware that it doesn't cooperate with some of the users. We are investigating the problem. We also have a PR filed in our system with request for ProjectWiseConnector documentation. I hope to see some improvements and full doc in FME 2018.1 which will be released by the end of this month.

Meanwhile, could you please tell a bit more about your ProjectWise set up? I wonder if you have multiple repositories with different access for different users, i.e. some repositories are not accessible for some users. This seems to be a common scenario the users complain about. I would like to confirm whether you face the same issue.

Thank you.

Hi @dberger106

thank you for reaching out for us. As @danilo_fme mentioned above, there is one more question in Q&A; regarding ProjectWiseConnector, so we are aware that it doesn't cooperate with some of the users. We are investigating the problem. We also have a PR filed in our system with request for ProjectWiseConnector documentation. I hope to see some improvements and full doc in FME 2018.1 which will be released by the end of this month.

Meanwhile, could you please tell a bit more about your ProjectWise set up? I wonder if you have multiple repositories with different access for different users, i.e. some repositories are not accessible for some users. This seems to be a common scenario the users complain about. I would like to confirm whether you face the same issue.

Thank you.

Hi Lena


Thank you so much for replying to my question.



Our ProjectWise set up is that we do have a single instance of ProjectWise with multuple repositories (One Integration server multiple data sources). The server version is 265. I have access to one of the repositories.



Please let me know if you need any further details or if you need any beta testers for the connector. Getting this to work would be a HUGE win for our organisation!






I added the question that danilo_fme is referencing and still need to get it to work.



Isn't this just a case of adding another dropdown menu where you can manually select the repository?


(I know it's probably more difficult in reality)



Or couldn't you just embed the repository name in the base URL if one knew the exact formatting?


When logging into Projectwise via the browser I have a dropdown with different repositories. If I look in the source the URL lists as "projectwise.(company).com:(NAME_OF_REPOSITORY)"




Hi @dberger106:



FYI: Documentation for the ProjectWiseConnector is now available:


Hi @dberger106

thank you for reaching out for us. As @danilo_fme mentioned above, there is one more question in Q&A; regarding ProjectWiseConnector, so we are aware that it doesn't cooperate with some of the users. We are investigating the problem. We also have a PR filed in our system with request for ProjectWiseConnector documentation. I hope to see some improvements and full doc in FME 2018.1 which will be released by the end of this month.

Meanwhile, could you please tell a bit more about your ProjectWise set up? I wonder if you have multiple repositories with different access for different users, i.e. some repositories are not accessible for some users. This seems to be a common scenario the users complain about. I would like to confirm whether you face the same issue.

Thank you.

Hi Lena



Just wondering if you are able to share a screenshot of what the ProjectWise connector settings should look like please. We are still not able to connect at all through FME even though we are successfully able to navigate ProjectWise via the web server in a browser.


We have tried a few options for the URL however no luck. We still get the same issue as I mentioned above.



The documentation doesn't seem to show any examples of this.



Thanks very much








Hi @dberger106

thank you for reaching out for us. As @danilo_fme mentioned above, there is one more question in Q&A; regarding ProjectWiseConnector, so we are aware that it doesn't cooperate with some of the users. We are investigating the problem. We also have a PR filed in our system with request for ProjectWiseConnector documentation. I hope to see some improvements and full doc in FME 2018.1 which will be released by the end of this month.

Meanwhile, could you please tell a bit more about your ProjectWise set up? I wonder if you have multiple repositories with different access for different users, i.e. some repositories are not accessible for some users. This seems to be a common scenario the users complain about. I would like to confirm whether you face the same issue.

Thank you.

Hi @LenaAtSafe,



Do you have any updates as to whether this issue will be resolved?


In the projects I have been working on I have yet to encounter a Projectwise server that isn't configured with multiple repositories which makes the FME transformer unusable.



I agree with @dberger106 that it would be a HUGE win for our organisation as well as any other major engineering company I know of.




Hi @LenaAtSafe,



Do you have any updates as to whether this issue will be resolved?


In the projects I have been working on I have yet to encounter a Projectwise server that isn't configured with multiple repositories which makes the FME transformer unusable.



I agree with @dberger106 that it would be a HUGE win for our organisation as well as any other major engineering company I know of.




No updates yet I'm afraid, but I've contacted the developers and asked them to increase the priority. This is obviously a big issue for quite a few users. I'll do my best to push for a resolution.

Hi @dberger106

thank you for reaching out for us. As @danilo_fme mentioned above, there is one more question in Q&A; regarding ProjectWiseConnector, so we are aware that it doesn't cooperate with some of the users. We are investigating the problem. We also have a PR filed in our system with request for ProjectWiseConnector documentation. I hope to see some improvements and full doc in FME 2018.1 which will be released by the end of this month.

Meanwhile, could you please tell a bit more about your ProjectWise set up? I wonder if you have multiple repositories with different access for different users, i.e. some repositories are not accessible for some users. This seems to be a common scenario the users complain about. I would like to confirm whether you face the same issue.

Thank you.

Hello, just wondering if there's any progress on this issue. thanks.

Hello, just wondering if there's any progress on this issue. thanks.

Hi @sealjackii, Thanks for your interest in this enhancement. At this point, we are investigating and assessing the scope of this work. Will post back, when there is more to update. Thanks for your patience.

Hi @sealjackii, Thanks for your interest in this enhancement. At this point, we are investigating and assessing the scope of this work. Will post back, when there is more to update. Thanks for your patience. 

Thanks @XiaomengAtSafe. Thought to provide what I found in case it helped. In my case our PW has 5 repositories as screenshot below and I only have access to one of them (Project04)


When I click into each repository folder in above screenshot, I noticed PWConnector made the following HTTP call.

Project02$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''

Project06$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq null

Project05$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''

Project04$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''    

So for some reasons, the PWConnector, in our case, put the wrong ID in the request URL after the ../v2.5/Repositories. and tried use a "ParentGuid" as a filter, but our repository doesn't have ParentGuid property at all.  In stead, if the request url was, it should be able to retrieve the content correctly.

I'm not sure if the other users got the same issues, or caused by unique projectwise setting?


Thanks @XiaomengAtSafe. Thought to provide what I found in case it helped. In my case our PW has 5 repositories as screenshot below and I only have access to one of them (Project04)


When I click into each repository folder in above screenshot, I noticed PWConnector made the following HTTP call.

Project02$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''

Project06$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq null

Project05$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''

Project04$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''    

So for some reasons, the PWConnector, in our case, put the wrong ID in the request URL after the ../v2.5/Repositories. and tried use a "ParentGuid" as a filter, but our repository doesn't have ParentGuid property at all.  In stead, if the request url was, it should be able to retrieve the content correctly.

I'm not sure if the other users got the same issues, or caused by unique projectwise setting?


Hi @sealjackii - we have the exact same issue. Multiple reopsitories and only access to a few. It seems to always fetch the topmost (id=0) even though you select another one. I have filed a mention to Safe Software regarding this. Same issue on 2019 Beta

Thanks @XiaomengAtSafe. Thought to provide what I found in case it helped. In my case our PW has 5 repositories as screenshot below and I only have access to one of them (Project04)


When I click into each repository folder in above screenshot, I noticed PWConnector made the following HTTP call.

Project02$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''

Project06$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq null

Project05$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''

Project04$orderby=TypeString desc,Name asc&$filter=ParentGuid eq ''    

So for some reasons, the PWConnector, in our case, put the wrong ID in the request URL after the ../v2.5/Repositories. and tried use a "ParentGuid" as a filter, but our repository doesn't have ParentGuid property at all.  In stead, if the request url was, it should be able to retrieve the content correctly.

I'm not sure if the other users got the same issues, or caused by unique projectwise setting?


Thank you, @sealjackii, for sharing the details. I will pass this information to our team. 

Thank you, @sealjackii, for sharing the details. I will pass this information to our team.

Hi guys

We also experience the exact same behavior where by the connector attempts to access the first repository even though you are browsing to another repository (which your credentials have access to). Very obvious what is going on each time.

I have been able to circumvent the issue by manually creating the ObjectID of the file I wish to download/upload/list by finding the repository InstanceID from the API Explorer and then pasting on the URN of the file (gained from ProjectWise Explorer). I then paste this into the ProjectWise connector. This works for us, a bit of up front work but achieves the result.

According to the Change Log on the FME beta download page the Projectwise connector should be able to handle multiple repositories in the latest beta version. However I receive the exact same result as I did before using the new version and I'm wondering if it has something to do with how the Projectwise server is configured?


Will the documentation be updated go go more in details on this?







According to the Change Log on the FME beta download page the Projectwise connector should be able to handle multiple repositories in the latest beta version. However I receive the exact same result as I did before using the new version and I'm wondering if it has something to do with how the Projectwise server is configured?


Will the documentation be updated go go more in details on this?







I have tested the new Projectwiseconnector and it now works on a server handling multiple repositories. However it needs to have a certain version of the WebService Gateway installed. Another server I tried has an older version and it can not be reached.

I have tested the new Projectwiseconnector and it now works on a server handling multiple repositories. However it needs to have a certain version of the WebService Gateway installed. Another server I tried has an older version and it can not be reached.

Thanks for the reply! I think this may be the issue. Do you know the version numbers of the servers you tested?

Thanks for the reply! I think this may be the issue. Do you know the version numbers of the servers you tested?

The minimum supported versions for the ProjectWiseWSGConnector are Bentley Web Services Gateway 2.00 with Server Version 2.00.
