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Hi Guys,

i have a block on Layer 0 which includes also another block which is called Heizhaus....


i explode the block and Use block feature type for components so that i have them in the original layer in the Output:


i also use a template file

that are the Basics:

so at the end of my workflow (rot 1) the text is in the right Rotation and everything is fine ...

but when i write it to the ACAD File teh text gets a Rotation which is false and i don't know where this Rotation Comes from. (rot 2)

i have tried to write in the real dwg writer…..


i have tried to fill certain Attributes like AutoCAD_rotation, fme_rotation, AutoCAD_text_rotation..


i have tried to read the Output DWG and set a new rotation


and no Logical number (e.g plus 180, 360 Degrees or something like that)

Nothing happens...Always the same false rotation

Any ideas or helps






Hi @franco69,

It would be very helpful for us to have a look at your workspace. Would you be able to share that?

Hi @franco69,

It would be very helpful for us to have a look at your workspace. Would you be able to share that?

Hi Dave,


i reduced it for you on the simplest. Only the dwg and the block isolated in a Workspace...effect is the same.

Data attached...source/template file, workbench










Hi @franco69,

FME seems to be reading incorrect point orientations for the text feature contained in the block. I have created a problem report for our development team (FMEENGINE-64478), and will notify you as soon as it is fixed.

In the meantime, please use a PointPropertSetter transformer to remove the point orientation from the text features. This text size and rotation attributes will still be present on the features, and will be used instead of the point orientation to set the correct rotation in the output AutoCAD file.
