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Hi all,



For the moment I'm looking into the functionalities of FME 2012 for postgis 2.0


Mainly I'm searching for what is already supported and what not. I noticed that some new functionalities are coming in the 2013 release.


But as also mentioned before by other users (eg. there is little documentation about PostGIS in FME.



Is there someweher a clear overview of what functionalities are already supported or supported in which FME version? Besides that I agree on what is mentioned in the other topic:



"So what we need - I think - is  fme writer parameters questioning for the used postgreSQL-version and for the relevant configuration parameters and/or regulating the way FME escapes characters.



What we also need is an thorough documentation of the postgis writer and/or more information in fmepedia regarding postgis.



I have always been wondering why - though so many people use postgis - there is so little information on FME and postgis"





The FME Readers and Writers Reference (Available from the Help menu in FME Desktop) outlines the PostGIS parametrs that FME uses (named Directives), as well as quick facts and how geometries are represented as well as Troubleshooting Tips.



Are you aware of this reference for PostGIS?
FME 2012 supports PostGIS 1.5.x well but is not really compatiable with PostGIS 2.0. FME 2013 betas available now have good support for PostGIS 2.0 including raster.  FME 2013 also supports three new geometry types in PostGIS: triangles, polyhedral surfaces, and TINs as well as compound curves in multicurves.



Yes, as 1SpatialKathy mentions the FME Readers and Writers reference is where we try to document this kind of thing but it sounds like we can do more here and I will follow-up. Clearly more FME and PostGIS articles in FMEPedia would be helpful as well.



Yes, some users have had some challenges escaping characters when writing to PostGIS. A change was made in FME 2013 that should help somewhat but part of the challenge (as the user you quoted above mentioned) is that the escape characters are part of the PostgreSQL configuration (see here:  I think the best way we  can follow-up on this issue is an FMEpedia article on escaping characters when writing to PostGIS.


(sorry if this repeats some of what was said on twitter by @FMEDoctors)  
Thx for the response Kathy and Ken!



I'm aware of the docs you mention Kathy and these have already been very helpfull. But I was thinking about something more thorough. Reason of this post was that I was looking for information about the compatibility of a certain PostGIS version with a certain FME version, and couldn't find that much info about it.


To my opinion it is a good idea to add up some more FME pedia articles on PostGIS subjects!



Ken gave me al necessary info via support, FME DOctors and this topic.






PostGIS-support in FME2019 is very stable @rvgeneug - how is your experience with PostGIS + FME nowadays?
