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Hi Fme:ers,


I have a problem inserting data into PostGIS with FME2013.


Sometimes it fails after 500 000 objects and sometimes it occur after 5 000 000 objects. Feels like a server/network problem but cant figure it out. Anyone experienced this?



2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.3|ERROR |Bulk copy failed on table 'public.Infra_import' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'server closed the connection unexpectedly


                This probably means the server terminated abnormally


                before or while processing the request.




2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.0|ERROR |Bulk copy failed on table 'public.Infra_import' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'no COPY in progress




2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.0|INFORM|Successfully closed PostgresConn database reader


2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


2013-03-01 14:51:07| 102.1|  0.0|ERROR |... Last line repeated 2 times ...




Henrik Rinne
Hi Henrik,



I suggest you take a look in the PostgreSQL log file on the database server, you will probably find a better description of the error there. Particularly if this really is a server-side error.





A server restart was enough:-)

Bulk copy failed on table 'public.match_tt' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'ERROR: extra data after last expected column


To solve this there is an parameter under that Advance and Bulk insert : NO . bulk insert should be set as no that solved my problem

Bulk copy failed on table 'public.match_tt' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'ERROR: extra data after last expected column


To solve this there is an parameter under that Advance and Bulk insert : NO . bulk insert should be set as no that solved my problem

Would you like share more detail about it? Where can set the Advance and Bulk insert.

Would you like share more detail about it? Where can set the Advance and Bulk insert.

Hi @hry9849, I believe you can find the Advanced parameters in the PostGIS Writer parameters when you first add your PostGIS Writer.

If you run into any snags afterwords, please feel free to post a new question as that will have much better visibility and will provide you with more answers and suggestions. It's easy for the Community to overlook new posts to older questions. Thanks!
