GML MultiSurface can be created from an aggregate feature with the GeometryExtractor. I'm wondering if it can be modified into GML Surface through some XML and/or String operations.
Or, use the GeometryExtractor to create GML Surface for each single polygon; extract PolygonPatch element form the resulting Surface; and then construct the required GML Surface that contains multiple PolgyonPatch elements.
Anyway, some transformers in the XML category might help you.
I already made Surface using this approach in PythonCaller. But it is 'slow' because it uses string concatenations, xml fragmentation and so on.
If there is no FME built-in transformer, I'll optimize mine a little bit more.
Thanks anyway!
Python is also good, but I think XML transformers are also worth to try.

XQuery Expression parameter (XMLXQueryUpdater)
declare namespace gml='