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Hi Guys,



My client currently uses autoCAD map and they store the data into oracle spatial DB.



My mission is to translate text to annotation.



Apparently autocad stores the TEXT in a field , justification in a field and coordinate using points and line.(Oracle Spatial DB). When I use geometry filter on text data, I will get point and lines, !NOT Text



My solution



1) I extract out the text using a series of textadder,coordinator extractor, rotation and setting geodb_v_align and  geodb_h_align.



They result is close but not perfect. There is still some alignment issue and text size.



The most irritating part is, when I open the original data using autocad and export them into a .dmg file and use esri toolbox(cad to geodatabase)



the output of those text are perfect.






May I know is there a solution in FME to extract out this text perfect like how esri toolbox does?



Any hints will be greatly appreciated.




There can be many issues (maybe too many without extrat information or sample data it is almost impossible to know) that can 'upset' your result.


The fact that oracle stores geometry for text features is the way oracle works, so no surprises there (see sdo_gtype).


The fact that the features go through several convertions (cad>db>gdb) can also add to the problem.


Did you try to convert the data directly from the autocad format?


If you already have a perfect result I suggest you keep using the same  method, otherwise you can always request support at Safe.








Hi Itay,



I can't because the users for autocad stores them directly into database.



moreover the FME will be used to migrate data on scheduled basis. 



So I am hoping there is a more clean approach.







I'm guessing that the ESRI Toolbox is converting the ACAD text layer directly to an ESRI annotation feature class, which would explain the similar results.



When you convert a text layer (either from ACAD or others) into a point or line layer, you are at the mercy of the labelling engine that later displays these geometric objects as text. A frequent problem is that the anchor points relative to the font may vary from the anchor point in the text layer, giving slightly different positions in the final result. (Fortunately, FME gives you a lot of flexibility here.)



I have also experienced that users have visually placed CAD labels in a right-aligned fashion, even though the alignment attributes inside the texts indicates e.g. centered. This will be very apparent when these alignment attributes are then taken into account when displayed after the conversion, something that will puzzle most end users. It might therefore be that you will also have to educate and explain these issues to your users.



So, as Itay also says, there are a lot of issues at work here, almost none directly related to FME but that are simply due to the nature of the beast.



The bad news is that there is no simple one-click solution to these and that you will often have to play around with the parameters and perhaps also accept a compromise. The good news is that FME makes it as easy as possible, given the circumstances.



Good luck!



