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I have posted something related to this same reader before, but this error is new. I am using a path reader to unzip an archive containing multiple subfolders/subdirectories and look for geodatabases, before then sending them to a geodatabase feature reader. I am using the glob pattern **/*.gdb and leaving path type to 'any', although I have tried (and got the same error) with 'folder'. This works fine on desktop, but on server I am now getting the following error:

I'll save any further details for comments, just to keep this question simple. Previously this was working, and neither the desktop build I am using for this (2016.1.1 build 16674) nor server version (2016.1.3.2 build 16717) have changed.

It could be that you're using the wrong slash.... try a backslash ('\\') in your glob pattern as you're reading a directory not a URL

It could be that you're using the wrong slash.... try a backslash ('\\') in your glob pattern as you're reading a directory not a URL

Cheers Hamish. I've always read that forward slashes are better than back, but it's worth a try I guess! Wouldn't explain why this worked before though?



It could be that you're using the wrong slash.... try a backslash ('\\') in your glob pattern as you're reading a directory not a URL

Error still occurs with a backslash, including if I escape it.



Usually the path of the temporary unzipped location should be like below.

Desktop: Opening the PATH Reader on folder 'C:\\Users\\PRIYAN~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\data_1.zip_1509582811289_2260'


Server: Opening the PATH Reader on folder 'C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\fmeengines\\1SAUDSK2_Engine1\\FME_TempFileStore_1509582728242_10380\\data_1.zip_1509582728242_10380'



Since the path shown in your FME Server log has .zip at the end, it reads the location as a file instead of a folder.
Could you please provide the complete translation logs on FME Server and FME Desktop to investigate the issue further.
Furthermore, the folder structure of the source zip file would be helpful to understand why the path appends .zip.

Usually the path of the temporary unzipped location should be like below.

Desktop: Opening the PATH Reader on folder 'C:\\Users\\PRIYAN~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\data_1.zip_1509582811289_2260'


Server: Opening the PATH Reader on folder 'C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\fmeengines\\1SAUDSK2_Engine1\\FME_TempFileStore_1509582728242_10380\\data_1.zip_1509582728242_10380'



Since the path shown in your FME Server log has .zip at the end, it reads the location as a file instead of a folder.
Could you please provide the complete translation logs on FME Server and FME Desktop to investigate the issue further.
Furthermore, the folder structure of the source zip file would be helpful to understand why the path appends .zip.
Hi @chrisw84,



Probing into the issue I notified that this issue is
due to limitation of file path length.


However, it seems to be FME 2017
handles this better than FME 2016.



The maximum character limit of a
file path (including file name) is 260 characters in Windows API. Therefore, the folder path limit is
248 characters (12 characters less than maximum limit).



In FME, it appends a number at the
end of <file name>.zip to create the folder name where it store temporary
zipped file. It seems to be FME 2016 is truncating the appended number if the
folder path hits a limit (I am not sure exactly what is the limit applied by
FME) closer to Windows API limit. This leaves the folder name ending with .zip
and creates the problem by identifying it as a file name instead of a folder



Since it is difficult to control the
source file name in dynamic workflows, the best workaround for this is shortening the Temp folder path.


This can be done by setting the
FME_TEMP system variable as depicted in the attached image.


Please re-start the server to set
the new location after setting the FME_TEMP variable.


Hope this helps to solve the issue.


