I have created a project that consists of 7 different FME workspaces which have been published to FME server and are meant to be run as a chain via notifications (When WS1 is successful, run WS2, When WS2 is sucessfull, etc.). All of these workspaces have a seperate output DWG file that gets stored in a temporary folder where a final workspace combines all *.dwg files into one final output, places it on a shared drive and then through a python shutdown script, sends an email to me and deletes the output folder.
Now here is the problem, all of this works perfectly fine for me. But in order to make it universal so that my office can use it, I need to change certain parameters to have access to the FME system parameter $(FME_SECURITY_USER) (such as the temporary output folder so that it will read something like C:\\Temp\\$(FME_SECURITY_USER)\\*.dwg). Now this works fine for the first workspace (the one the external user initiates) and creates the folder C:\\Temp\\Dave@mcelhanney.net, but everything else that comes after (that is included in the chain through notifications) is defaulted to have my user name as the folder location. Even the fail email is defaulted to my username.
I was wondering if there was a way to pass system parameters from one workspace to the other within an FME Server environment via Notifications.
Note: I know there is a workflow controller script, however I wish to acheive this via notifications if possible.
Thank you!