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I have one FME workbench running on application server to export all the GIS sql tables into MapInfo tab files. It was running fine before but recently failed a couple times, its failed to export tab files after running 50 minutes or so, and each time its failed at export different sql table. I checked disk space and sql tables and they are fine to me. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, the log file is attached.

Hi @jaywen 


I believe the workaround for this in the past has been to change the Writer from MAPINFO format to MapInfo TAB (MITAB) or Precisely MapInfo Extended TAB (MAPINFO_EXTENDED). 

Let me know if this works for you. 


Hi @crystalatsafe ,


Thanks for your help.

The issue got resolved after I updated the writer as MITAB in stead of MAPINFO.

It seems took a bit longer to export MITAB files, and the .MAP size get smaller.

Can you please explain whats the main difference between MITAB format versus MAPINFO format.





Hi @jaywen 

I’m glad to hear that this solved the issue! 

It is generally recommended to use MITAB over MAPINFO as it is more maintained and may be more efficient. 

While the smaller size is not usually an issue unless it’s significantly smaller, I would inspect some sample records of the output and also check the total number of features to make sure everything is being written out properly. 
