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I am trying to download a small extent of OSM data using the OSMDownloader but the output osm file is empty (except for the header). The transformer generates the following call (which also specifies my bbox extent):*[bbox=50.83,4.49,50.85,4.51]

The download action seems to be successful however because the outcome of the transformer comes out of the Success port.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


Hi @olivier, the specified bounding box ((50.83, 4.49), (50.85, 4.51)) seems to be located on the Indian Ocean - naturally no roads...

And to elaborate on what @takashi said: if you switch your lats and lons it should work and land you somewhere in Northern-France. I made the same mistake a while ago 🙂

And to elaborate on what @takashi said: if you switch your lats and lons it should work and land you somewhere in Northern-France. I made the same mistake a while ago 🙂

bingo! :-)



Hi Takashi,

Thank you very much! I completely overlooked the fact that I had switched X and Ys.

