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I would like to convert OSM building boundary to CityGML LOD 1 format.

I am successfully converting into KML or CityGML generic object format but When I am trying to convert to CityGML building by adding citygml_lod_name detail it showing following error.

CityGML Writer: The 'IFMELine' geometry is invalid for the 'lod1Solid' citygml_lod_name, valid geometries for 'lod1Solid' are: {IFMECompositeSolid, IFMECSGSolid, IFMEBox, IFMEBRepSolid, IFMEExtrusion}, convertible geometries are {IFMEMultiSolid, IFMECompositeSurface, IFMEFace, IFMEMesh, IFMETriangleStrip, IFMERectangleFace, IFMEAggregate, IFMEMultiSurface, IFMETriangleFan}.Storing feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\Users\....\osm2ogckml_log.ffs'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Feature Type: `Building'Attribute(string)           : `_uuid' has value `9a3b482d-a204-465f-a73e-e35a6da505c4'Attribute(encoded: UTF-16LE): `building' has value `university'Attribute(encoded: UTF-16LE): `changeset' has value `48380184'


Here is my FME workspace screenshot


I am new in FME, Let me know I am doing anything wrong in steps.

Hi @usmanali,

Please add an Inspector transformer to your workspace to check that all the features sent to the Building feature are solids. If you have a point in the source data, it will extrude to a line, rather than a solid.

Hi there @usmanali (and @DaveAtSafe)

Did you succeed in creating the traslation from osm to citygml?

I would like to obtain a similar situation... and if possible access the workspace file

Is there a pre formatted workspace file to obtain a citygml dataset from a osm one? (with extrusion)

Thank you so much

