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I want to insert a value in a table with an XML Type (oracle non spatial) but I haven't find a type in user attribute corresponding.


I have tried to insert by an sqlExecutor but for transaction meaning it is not valuable.



Anyone can help me ?



Best Regards,






it shouldn't be necessary to define this yourself for existing tables. Go to Writer / Import feature types and read the definition directly from Oracle. FME will then create the appropriate feature type for you.



You could also try to just set it to either varchar2(4000) or clob.



Unfortunately, the import Feature types doesn't add feature type from XMLType oracle columns...


I have tried also to set to clob, but this doesn't work...
It is possible that FME can't support the XMLTYPE data type, you should perhaps ask your FME reseller or Safe support about that.



Can you perhaps expand on what you tried using the SQLExecutor? That would be a logical alternative.



In fact, i have to insert a feature into multiple tables. FME manage transactions with feature written by WRITERS, but for sqlexecutor it seems to be commited at each...The problem is that i need to load tables in a specific order (for hierarchy constraints)



you can control the transactions using anonymous blocks inside the SQLExecutor.






The XML data type is added to FME in FME 2014.
