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I am attempting to convert from Oracle to a shapefile and getting the following error consistently.

look like it is failing on the .dbf file. Any suggestions?

Weren't there any message describing what happened, other than the last few lines shown in your screenshot?


Does is work if you write the shape file to any other disk?

Check for available disk space on E:

If E: is a non-local disk, check for sufficient rights.

Weren't there any message describing what happened, other than the last few lines shown in your screenshot?


No I found nothing else in the log. I am going to try devid_r's suggestion and try writing it to another disk.



It turned out that I had an attribute column type set to number when it should have been set to char.

It turned out that I had an attribute column type set to number when it should have been set to char.

There really should be a better error message for this
