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I am experiencing difficulties reading an Oracle Spatial table with FME.

The table (linestring) has about 250K records.

FME starts to log the first 10000 records after about 10 minutes. And then 10000 at a time every 6 minutes.

The table is displayed in GeoMedia and also QGis in about 5 minutes.

Feature Caching is disabled.

I have tried both with the reader and with a SqlCreator. Same results.

What checks/configurations can I try?

This is the first time it happens and not sure if some metadata could be wrong or corrupted.

This sounds strange because of the tests with other products.



A few of things to try

  • Make sure feature caching is turned OFF
  • Make sure that "Stop at breakpoints" is turned OFF
  • Try increasing bulk read size in the advanced reader parameters
  • Disable any further processing from the reader to check read performance alone
  • Check for messages in the FME log, especially about memory optimization

Thanks @david_r​ 

The configuration to test is really simple and I've applied also some of the configuration suggested (i.e. increasing bulk read size).

Unfortunately nothing change in the performance. I also tried to unload the security agent in case FME stores some cache (not the feature one that is disabled) in a protected disk area. Same results.

I now try to do something at Oracle level like to re-create the table and reindexing it.

Because this blocking issue seems to be limited to this feature.

It is slow also for other tables but not as this one.

I will update the post as soon as tests completed.



On the Oracle side, also check the entry for this table in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. Are the values in DIMINFO consistent with your spatial data? Is the SRID value correct?
