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Hi Folks,


I have six 3D objects I want to place into my 3D PDF. The six objects between them make up two different "Things".



I'd like each of these Things to be controlled independently. Currently they share the same anchor/base, so if I try and rotate one, the entire scene rotates around a common centre.



Can this be done with 3D PDF and if so how?





Hi Jonathan,



In 3dPdf-view u rotate the perspective, not the object.



Rotating a object would be a transformation.



This goes for any 3d viewing.


Even if u had seperate viewports on the same view, rotating the view would go for all objects. (the only option would be freeze some viewports).


In 3d PDF i have found no way to control camera settings prior to writing, alas.


It always starts with top perspective.




Your question would mount to setting kinematics to the objects and supling handles to control them.


You'll need a 3d program for that.
Hi Gio,


Thanks for the information. I suspected not but figured it was worth asking. :-)



Although - separate viewports would be useful - is that possible or just a hypothetical?


Many thanks,





Alas, in the 3d pdf it's a hypothetical...



The best u can do with the 3D pdf writer is set the centercoordinate to your objects coordinate at writer level (navigatorpanel). But only one at a time i'm afraid.


Unlike the normal (geo)pdf writer the 3D pdf writer seems not to support multipage.



I think if u want to use the 3d pdf writer, you will have to write 2 pdf's for the 2 groups of your objects.




Hi Gio,


Thanks for the information. That should hopefully be useful for the future.




