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I work on a workbench which transform shapefile to CityGml. This step is ok. 


After, I would like to publish it to FME Server and add to a schedule with a recurrence to 5 sec for example. 


The second step to publish the workbench to FME Server is ok but the schedule every 5 sec is not ok, I obtain a error message "no log files exists" and the sechule fails. 



I discover the log files seems to be check in this path  C:\\Program Files\\FMEServer\\DefaultResults while FME Server searchs it in this path  C:\\Program Files\\FMEServer\\Logs\\scheduler\\tasks. 



I believe the solution is to change the default recording path of the log file but I didn't find where I can change it. 



Could you help me ? 



Thank you in advance.



Hi Aglae,



have you looked at this FMEpedia article, called "The Definitive Guide to FME Server Log Files"?



Thank you for your answer. 



Yes I have read yet and this documentation explains that the default recording path of log file are check in automatically so I don't understand why FME Server         doesn't find them. 



I will continue to look for. 



Thank you. 






the contents under "C:\\Program files" are sometimes considered special by the recent Windows operating systems and as a consequence the applications might need administrator privileges to read/write/modify the files there.



Make sure that the user running the FME Server process has administrative privileges under the FME installation directory, or, as you suggested, move the log files to a separate location outside of the program files hierarchy.



By the way, here is an article describing how to change the FME Server log file locations.



Just I have another question. I have to create a publication and a subscription to create a schedule or is that it is independant ? 
Just I have another question. I have to create a publication and a subscription to create a schedule or is that it is independant ? 



No, a scheduled task is not related to publications or subscriptions. A scheduled task is run at a predefined interval. Publications/Subscriptions are for running workspaces on demand (ie triggered in response to an event)
