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Hi again,



Thanks @andreaatsafe for helping me with my previous question. I have a follow up question about linked models.



Is there a way to know if there are any models linked to a file? I would expect to see this in the file metadata information?



I found this model online from here which you can download and contains linked models.



I was hoping to be able try and combined a package of linked models but at the moment I cant tell if a model is linked or is it's own model.

Hi @virtualcitymatt,

This sounds like an enhancement you are looking for, correct? If I've understood correctly, you'd want to see information about any linked models in the metadata feature correct?

Perhaps you can explain a little bit more for your use case, and how you are looking to use this information in FME

- Andrea

Hi @virtualcitymatt,

This sounds like an enhancement you are looking for, correct? If I've understood correctly, you'd want to see information about any linked models in the metadata feature correct?

Perhaps you can explain a little bit more for your use case, and how you are looking to use this information in FME

- Andrea

I guess it sounds like an enhancement, Yeah that's right - I'm not too sure how the linking works in Revit to be honest but form my quick look it seems like there is a way to link models together. Presumable this allows users to work on various parts of the model separately?



Anyway - our use case that I'm exploring is to have a user upload a revit model (or zipped package of multiple models), we then convert it to view in Cesium.



I was trying to handle the case where a package of models were uploaded but were all linked together, meaning I should be creating one output with the models combined. But with no way to tell which of the models are linked I would have to assume or add some kind or user input process to let me know if I should combine or not.



Either way the process is tricky and pretty resource heavy for big models so not sure if we will try to merge them anyway.



The list of linked models/files would just be helpful I guess and if it's a simple addition to the files metadata it could be quite helpful.

I guess it sounds like an enhancement, Yeah that's right - I'm not too sure how the linking works in Revit to be honest but form my quick look it seems like there is a way to link models together. Presumable this allows users to work on various parts of the model separately?



Anyway - our use case that I'm exploring is to have a user upload a revit model (or zipped package of multiple models), we then convert it to view in Cesium.



I was trying to handle the case where a package of models were uploaded but were all linked together, meaning I should be creating one output with the models combined. But with no way to tell which of the models are linked I would have to assume or add some kind or user input process to let me know if I should combine or not.



Either way the process is tricky and pretty resource heavy for big models so not sure if we will try to merge them anyway.



The list of linked models/files would just be helpful I guess and if it's a simple addition to the files metadata it could be quite helpful.

Sounds like ultimately if we did something like we do for DWG files (have an option to read xref files) we'd get the desired result. Definitely good to have this use case. I know we have samples like this in our systems here.

Also glad to hear you're getting value out of the Revit reader -- do keep sending us feedback!
