
mysterious fields being populated??

  • 31 March 2014
  • 5 replies

Hi all, 


I am wondering if any one has experienced an issue with fields being populated with out making connections. The green arrow is not signifying  a connection and we are definitly not making any physical connections and we offten have intigers showing up in fields that should be charactors even if they were a connection made.





5 replies

Userlevel 5



can you give a concrete example of this, preferably with screenshots?



Badge +3



Yes i have experienced this behaviour a lot. But all in pre sp2 FME 2013.


(often in combination with viewing involved feature (information)tables)



It would for instance mix attribute values, refuse to populate values or keep filling attributes wich are not connected..


Fields populated without connection ussualy did have  a connection in the past.



1st i shut down all fme instances including viewers.


If the problem persist on reopening workbench, i then rebuilt a fresh bench.


Like arcmap mxd's it seems these benches can get corrupted.



I have not yet experienced this in fme2013 sp2.


We have not started using 2014 yet, we will be wating for patch to solve some issues.



Hi All,


I am stil having the occasional issue with the crazy automatic connections. 


No green arrow no physical connection have tried to uncheck the  exposed attributes in the user attributes???


Need help









Additional queestion form my partner



From the FMEGettingStarted_2013sp2.pdf



"Attributes with the same name in Reader and Writer feature types are connected automatically.  Note that attribute names are case-sensitive, so ROADS is not the same as Roads or roads."



Is there anyway to disable this function?  This is causing problems for us, for example the Reader "Suffix" is not the same as the Writer destination field "Suffix", yet we can't figure out how to break the connection.  (This autoconnection is also overriding the actual physical connection that we are making.)
Userlevel 5



the easiest is probably to remove them manually, either with an AttributeKeeper or an AttributeRemover.



