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I have set up my Geodatabase Writer but can’t write to it. The log file gives me this message:
“Geodatabase Error (-2147024894): The system cannot find the file specified.” even though I’m creating a new file geodatabase within my workflow.

This error message can happen for a variety of reasons related to either the location or structure of the location set in the Writer.
Here’s what I would check:

  1. Ensure you have the proper permissions to write to that location. Can you create a new file there? You’ll need write permissions to successfully create your geodatabase.
  2. Try changing the mapped path to a UNC path (i.e.- C:/temp to \\\\PC1\\temp).
  3. Check if there are any antivirus measurements in place that may affect writing over a shared drive.

Does anyone else have ideas? Please share them below.

This error message can happen for a variety of reasons related to either the location or structure of the location set in the Writer.
Here’s what I would check:

  1. Ensure you have the proper permissions to write to that location. Can you create a new file there? You’ll need write permissions to successfully create your geodatabase.
  2. Try changing the mapped path to a UNC path (i.e.- C:/temp to \\\\PC1\\temp).
  3. Check if there are any antivirus measurements in place that may affect writing over a shared drive.

Does anyone else have ideas? Please share them below.

In my case it was indeed antivirus which removed the .gdb folder before anything could be written into it. Now figuring out the exception rule in av to prevent this from happening again.


