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I have a distributed MS Access app with linked tables that has grown to big and has too many users. We need to re-write into a web app. There are many tables, queries, forms, reports etc. so I expect this will not be a quick process. I'm interested in any advice offered on this undertaking.

As a first step, we are moving the DB to SQL Server. The reports will be converted to a standard reporting technology like Business Objects or Tableau using the SQL Server. We'll use Python or Java for backend DB connectivity. I'm hoping there is an easy way to convert the UI into HTML pages. Several pages in the Access app consist of forms with drop down list boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc. Any advice?

Hi @damaynard01! Would you be able to clarify a bit what you are looking to achieve with FME, so we can assist you better? My understanding is that you would like to first migrate data from MS Access to SQL Server, then create Business Objects/Tableau reports and also create a web UI in HTML to replace the Access forms? Thanks!
