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Hi there,



I'd like to insert data into a postgis datebase. The destination table is already created. Unfortunatly, the translation fails due to a geometry problem :




Bulk copy failed on table 'az.eu_collecteur' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'ERREUR: Geometry type (LineString) does not match column type (MultiLineString)

CONTEXT: COPY eu_collecteur, ligne 1, colonne geom : « 010200002015550000020000007B14AEC7C07C2041AE47E17ABE0403410681...'

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details



How can I transforme my source data form LineString  to MultiLineString ?



Any ideas ?



thank's in adavance.



it could be lots of things, including a bug somewhere. Can you tell us a little more:
  • Which version of FME
  • Which version of PostGIS
  • A log file dump of the feature in question (send it to a Logger and copy-paste it here)
A screenshot of the feature in question would also be helpful.



One thing to try: Just before the writer, insert an AggregateFilter.



For the output port "Aggregate", send the features directly to the Writer.



For the output port "Not aggregate", send the features to a Counter and then an Aggregator with Group by on the counter attribute.



That should force all non-aggregate features into each their own aggregate.



Please tell us if that works.




Worked for me !! Thank You .. even 7 tears later !
