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I am clipping a LAS file and writing to a new LAS file. I have noticed in the LAS Header the following fields have not been updated and contain info from the original LAS file:

  • system identifier
  • generating software
  • file creation day/year

When I clip using lasclip these fields are updated so I wondered if there is a reason FME doesn't?



Hi @rclarkenz,

I believe these are left untouched to give the user more control. If you want to post on our ideas page an enhancement for the writer to update the system identifier, generating software, and file creation day/year when writing that would help with the request. As workaround you can expose the las_file_creation_date, las_generating_software, las_system_identifier attributes in the reader and update them with an attributeManger before writing the clipped las out again.


Thanks, Richard

