I have a large workspace; a simple export of gas assets. There are a lot of joins and the workspace is large and not so easy to read without zooming in and out. Views are currently not an option. I want to make the workspace easy for the others who are new to FME to support it too.
Is it best practice to keep a large workspace as a whole and use bookmarks to manage zooming in and out. The logic in the workspace is simple so this is my preference and what I’ve mostly done to date.
Or is my thinking out of date and would it be better to split the workspace into 4 workspaces of 5 assets each. Or even 20 workspaces, one for each asset, and use a (FME Server) workspace runner to call the workspaces one after another? Maintaining the individual workspaces would be simpler but then you have the added complexity of a workspace runner.
Your thoughts are welcome. What is the current best practice?