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Hi Guys,

I am new at the FME Software and actually trying to transform an json file to an csv file. With the example i could create such flow that works.

I checked the Output and wondering a little bit that the headlines of the json objects are in the fields. Example:


Cruise_nid is the object name (in a json array) and the 413358 is value. In my powershell script that i actually using for that transformation, the cruise_nid used as Headline. How i can configure the JsonFragmenter to use the objective names as Headlines?

The second Point that i got is that on anorther json i got an error that the json is not valid:

A JSON syntax error was found at line 39, column 28

A sequence of bytes was found which is invalid in the utf-8 Encoding.

I checked the json file, but there isnt a column 28 in the line 39. In column 59 i got an umlaut. But i thought that that will be in UTF8 be no Problem. Any tips?



Hi there,

Any hints?



Hi there,

Any hints?



It would probably be helpful to post the actual json snippet and/or the workspace that is producing the error.


