
Issue of visualization failure after data conversion (obj to citygml /obj)

  • 3 April 2024
  • 3 replies

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We have tried to export(write) an obj 3D building file to dae / citygml / slpk file formats, and all three of the conversions were successful.

However, only the dae format was successfully visualized in a viewer, and citygml/slpk failed to visualize with the viewer that supports the formats.

Could you give some advice for this issue?

CASE1 - obj to citygml (failed to visualize)

 CASE2 -  obj to slpk (failed to visualize)

3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +12

Hi @jinseok

When writing to CityGML, you will need to assign the related format attributes and properties to ensure that the geometry gets written. You can find information on this in our documentation. We also have a custom transformer that should create these attributes for you if you’d rather use that instead: CityGMLGeometrySetter


I’ve also attached a sample workspace to this comment that should give you a visible output in SPLK.

You can find an answer to a similar problem from one of my colleagues here: 


Hope this helps!


Userlevel 3
Badge +12

Hi @jinseok, I just wanted to update you with a full workspace that shows a simple example of converting your OBJ file to CityGML. Let me know if that helps out and if the workspace works for you! 

Badge +1

Hi @danminneyatsaf 

Thank you for your kind reply.
I will try the procedure you guided.
