We have tried to export(write) an obj 3D building file to dae / citygml / slpk file formats, and all three of the conversions were successful.
However, only the dae format was successfully visualized in a viewer, and citygml/slpk failed to visualize with the viewer that supports the formats.
Could you give some advice for this issue?
CASE1 - obj to citygml (failed to visualize)
- input 1784_OBJ.zip
- output 1784_CityGML.zip
- output import view capture (KITModelViewer)
- No geometry information, only attribute information can be verified
CASE2 - obj to slpk (failed to visualize)
- input 1784_OBJ.zip
- output 1784_slpk.zip
- FME Capture
- output import view capture (ArcGIS Pro)